niedziela, 3 kwietnia 2022

10 Of The Best Books For Crime Fiction Lovers

Did you know that there was such a thing as crime fiction for non-fiction readers? Or that there is such a thing as crime fiction for lovers of literary fiction?

Crime books

If not, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll be exploring the top 10 books for crime fiction lovers. These books have been selected because they have exceptional writing, or because they have unique features that will appeal to readers who enjoy crime fiction.

A Fable for the Madfolk

This is the story of a little village that has a big problem. All the people in the village are possessed by a demon. The only way to get rid of the demon is to kill it. But how can you kill what isn’t there? A fable for our times, this novel will appeal to readers who enjoy fantasy, horror and satire.


Perception tells the story of a man who has a rare condition that causes people to see him as a different race. If you’re a crime fiction reader who loves a detective story, you’ll love this novel.

The Murderer Next Door

The Murderer Next Door tells the story of a family who move into a new house. The new house is next door to a man who has been accused of murdering his wife. The novel explores what happens when the family becomes the murderers next door, and how they try to solve the crime and prove their innocence.

The Cheat and the City

This novel takes place in an alternative version of 1920s America. The setting is New York City, and the story follows a group of reporters who try to discover who is cheating on the city’s wife, and how they get away with it. If you like your crime fiction with a twist, this is a must read.

The Eye of the Beholder

This is a novel about identity, and the lengths to which people are willing to go to keep it. The story follows a man who is trying to solve a murder, and his investigation uncovers a plot that threatens to reveal the truth about everyone’s identity.

Who Answers When No One Wants To?

This novel follows two detectives from different forces who try to solve a murder, but who are being thwarted by a third party. If you enjoy crime fiction that is full of twists and turns, this is a must read.

Bad Blood

This is a story about a family that is cursed, or blessed, with strange talents. The family is cursed with bad blood, which manifests as murders, but when the four children grow up, they all have different talents, which could help solve the murders.

Let the Darkness In

This novel is about a man who returns to his hometown after being away for a long time. The people of the town have changed, and nothing is the same as it was before. As the man tries to adjust to his old life, he slowly realises that something is very, very wrong.

A Darkened Hallway

This novel is unique in that it tells the story from the point of view of the murderer. The story follows a man who is looking for a job, and is hired to work as a night watchman. While he is supposed to be guarding the building, he starts to explore his past, and discovers a mystery that nobody wanted solved.

These are the top 10 books for crime fiction lovers. We hope you’ve found some new books to add to your to-read list. If you love crime fiction as much as we do, then you’ll love our Top 20 Crime Fiction Books article. There, you’ll find even more great reads, along with a ranking of the best books for each type of reader.

No matter what kind of crime fiction lover you are, you’ll find something to love in this list. So, if you’re ready to explore fantastic new worlds, characters, and plots, check out these books.

sobota, 2 kwietnia 2022

The Fundamentals of UX Copywriting: What It Is and How to Do it Right

When it comes to writing copy for your company’s website and marketing materials, you have two options: you can write SEO-friendly, attention-grabbing text that will get your message across to users and potential customers, or you can write bland, forgettable text that will do nothing to improve your site’s usability or conversion rate.

Let's learn UX copywriting

While there are plenty of elements that should go into a winning copywriting strategy, many businesses neglect to focus on the most important aspects. The Fundamentals of User Experience Copywriting is a guide to getting you started on the right track.

What is UX Copywriting?

If you’ve ever used a website, read a news article, or searched for something on Google, you’ve interacted with digital user experience (UX) copy. Basically, UX or user experience is the “sitting at the table” part of digital marketing. It’s the story your customers, clients, and users will tell themselves about how they wound up using your product. Why they need it. How they will benefit. It’s not just about the features and functions of your product, but also how people get those features and functions, and what their experience will be like if they choose to use your product.

In other words, you want your copy to get users excited about using your product, to get them as excited as they would be about using a new feature on their favorite product.

Why is UX Copywriting Important?

If your copy isn’t grabbing users’ attention, it’s doing nothing to help your SEO rankings, increase your brand exposure, or increase your conversion rate. In fact, if the words on your homepage aren’t inspiring, engaging, and inspiring your readers, they might wind up Googling something else entirely (or simply closing your browser altogether). Your copy is the foundation of your entire digital presence, and without it, your SEO will be far less meaningful, your brand will be far less memorable, and your users will be far less likely to come back to your site.

That means, first and foremost, that you need to be writing copy that is both useful and useful to your target users. This will require a level of empathy not often associated with business owners. You’ll have to remember that users are not just potential customers, but also individuals with busy lives, limited time, and complex problems.

Businesses have a tendency to become so focused on their product that they forget to write for humans. They forget to write for their audience, and end up writing for themselves, trying to talk to their audience as if they were talking to other business owners. Good copywriting, however, is not about you. It’s about your users.

How to Write UX Copy That Users Will Love

Copywriting is an art form, and like any art form, there are techniques you can use to improve your writing. But, as with any other type of writing, the foundation is truly important.

Your copy needs to be clear, direct, and easy to understand. It should be written in a style that is both conversational and formal. It should sound natural coming from a human and not from a computer.

In order to grab and hold the attention of your audience, you need to make use of all five senses. You need to make use of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.

Unfortunately, most people make the mistake of focusing only on the first three (sights, sounds, and touch), and ignoring the other two (smell and taste) altogether. You need to make use of each of these senses to effectively capture your reader’s attention and draw them into your world.

What to Avoid in UX Copywriting

While writing in a natural, conversational tone is important, there are a few things you should avoid entirely. These are, in no particular order, the copywriting sins that will sink your copy before it even has a chance to swim. Over-writing – Users will become tired of reading the same exact words and phrases being used over and over again on your site. Not only is this tiring, but it can also lead to users skimming past your copy and moving on to the next site.

Using unnecessary and cliché expressions – While you certainly don’t want to be vanilla, your copy shouldn’t be dripping with originality. After all, your users won’t be able to relate to your brand, and they certainly won’t be excited about using it. 

Using poor grammar and syntax – Your copy should be easy to understand, and it should be written in a way that is easy to read and comprehend.

Using confusing or ambiguous language – Your readers should be able to easily figure out what you mean, even if they don’t agree with your points.

Final Words: Going from Good to Great at UX Copywriting

Remember: writing good content is literally all you need to do, regardless of your writing style or the type of content you’re writing. Now, while writing good content is important, and it is crucial to have a strategy in place for how you will promote and distribute your content, it is even more important to be writing great content that is useful and beneficial to your readers.

If you can nail down these basics, your copy will be great. And once you’ve gotten the hang of it, you’ll be able to introduce more creative elements into your content to further captivate and hold your reader’s attention.

środa, 30 marca 2022

6 Funeral Marketing Tips you can do on LinkedIn To Boost Your Brand!

When someone passes away, the process of planning their funeral is often filled with disbelief and shock. While no one wants to think about death, we can’t ignore the fact that funerals are a reality. In the grand scheme of things, a funeral is just another part of life.

20 Instagram Reels to follow for creative inspiration

Everyone’s on Instagram now, and if you’re not, you should be! This popular photo and video-sharing app is a great way to build a presence for your business and attract a large audience. In this post, I’ll list some of the best Instagram accounts for creative inspiration. 

When to publish on Facebook

The Art of Storytelling: Why it's Crucial for Your Business Success

In an increasingly media-saturated world, businesses of all kinds are looking for ways to stand out. 

What is storytelling

poniedziałek, 28 marca 2022

LinkedIn. Jak stworzyć profil idealny?

Chcesz zostać ekspertem w swojej dziedzinie? Pragniesz znaleźć nową pracę w wymarzonym miejscu i w dopasowanej do Twoich umiejętności branży? Stwórz razem z naszą checklistą swój profesjonalny profil na LinkedIn.

Czym jest LinkedIn?

LinkedIn jest aplikacją, która ułatwia nawiązywanie kontaktów z osobami z Twojego świata zawodowego. Znajdziesz tam informacje dotyczące świata biznesu, nauki i technologii. Uruchomiona została 5 maja 2003 roku.

Czy warto być na LinkedIn?

Zdecydowanie tak. Użytkownikom pozwala na poznawanie i zawieranie nowych, zawodowych znajomości. Markom zaś umożliwia poszukiwanie i znalezienie pracowników oraz promocję siebie jako eksperta w danej dziedzinie.

Od czego zacząć tworzenie profilu osobistego?

Warto zainwestować w profesjonalne zdjęcie, które stanowi pierwszą wizytówkę Twojego profilu. Dzięki temu konto jest chętniej odwiedzane przez przedstawicieli branży HR – łowców talentów.

Pamiętaj o zdjęciu w tle

W kontekście fotografii ważne jest również zdjęcie w tle. Co możesz tam umieścić? Pokaż swoje osiągnięcia zawodowe. Jeśli jesteś laureatem nagrody ważnego kursu – ujawnij to! Napisałeś książkę i pragniesz ją zareklamować? Zrób to! Oczywiście w profesjonalny sposób.

Postaw na mądry nagłówek

Okazuje się, że wiele osób nie korzysta z możliwości, jakie daje wypełnienie pola nagłówek. Choć masz do dyspozycji zaledwie 120 znaków, to zawsze warto – oprócz podania informacji o swoim aktualnym stanowisku, możesz napisać o swoich mocnych stronach.

Umiejętności są w cenie

Wypełniając to pole, warto pamiętać, by uważnie wpisywać swoje kompetencje. Zaprezentowanie najmocniejszych stron sprawi, że dasz się znaleźć potencjalnym współpracownikom i pracodawcom. Także reklamy będą targetowane zgodnie z Twoimi mocnymi stronami. Dotyczy to również ogłoszeń o pracę, które mogą okazać się dla Ciebie atrakcyjne.

Nie zapomnij o osiągnięciach

LinkedIn stwarza możliwość wpisania dodatkowych elementów do Twojego profesjonalnego profilu o nazwie „Osiągnięcia”. Dotyczy to na takich sfer, jak:

  • publikacje,
  • patenty,
  • kursy,
  • projektowanie,
  • wyróżnienia i nagrody,
  • wyniki testu,
  • języki,
  • organizacje.


Choć nie ma problemu z utrzymywaniem kontaktu przez LinkedIn, to warto w dziale „Informacje kontaktowe” umieścić inne formy nawiązania z Tobą kontaktu. Numer telefonu, adres e-mail, namiary na stronę internetową lub bloga, skype – to tylko niektóre z danych, które pomogą szybciej się z Tobą skontaktować.

Dostosuj adres swojego profilu

Pisaliśmy już o odpowiednim doborze umiejętności. Warto także stworzyć dobry adres swojego profilu. Zrobisz to podczas edycji Twoich danych kontaktowych.

Postaw na rekomendacje

Możliwość otrzymania rekomendacji jest funkcją, która sprawia, że możesz osiągnąć wiarygodność w branży, w której działasz. Rekomendacje pozwolą Ci na potwierdzenie dotychczasowych osiągnięć oraz pozyskanie potencjalnych klientów dla siebie i swojej marki.

Historie od wieków były sposobem na skuteczną komunikację. Jeszcze na długo zanim ludzie nauczyli się pisać, opowiadali sobie historie, które przestrzegały, inspirowały pozwalając przetrwać. Dzisiaj storytelling pozwala funkcjonować markom.